It is not easy to chase a dream. Hardships and unexpected turns and dead ends always arise, as self-confidence floats up and down. Rejections, both real and unreal, rain from projected skies.
I believe I am not chasing a dream, but attempting to manifest it. Never a grasp of all or nothing, but a gradual process of potential, never guaranteed. The goal is not to attain the dream, but to live it in the course of my waking reality. The key of this realization is not only compromise, but the awareness that the process is occurring right now. To manifest a dream, one must experience this awkward period of transitioning a vision from within without.

How does one continue to motivate their intentions, when the progress is minimal and imperceivable? One must return to the original truth of all existence. Faith. The word is shifty but its core frequency rings true. Maybe not in a higher power, dictating fate. Maybe not a script written out in advance of all cause and effect. Maybe not in a theory of chaos with the illusion of symmetry. Maybe just faith in self. Faith to overcome suffering. Faith to recognize gratitude. Faith in knowing the direction we are moving is the ‘correct’ one. Faith that we have the strength to manifest our own perceptions of ourselves. What is a dream other than this? A dream is not a victim of our hunt. A dream is not to be possessed. A dream is the maturing of the internal self until it is recognized in the shadow on the ground.