Happy Halloween and Good morning out there in the Do Art Nation!
It’s been amazing seeing you all out there, spreading the power and benefits of art and creativity to people all over the country. In the last few weeks we’ve gone to libraries in Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, New York, Connecticut, and even the Florida Keys! At each location, we’ve seen hospitable and deeply thoughtful administrators, and curious and delightful audience members of all ages.
Where does it go from here? What is Do Art bringing in the rest of 2024 and beyond? Well, for starters, more of the same. We’ll be giving you workshops in poetry, painting, acting, and of course comics. The comic book workshop has been a particular thrill for me, because it allows us to synthesize a bit of everything into one workshop, as we brainstorm story, talk about elements of writing like character, setting, and onomatopoeia–as well as making wild and wacky drawings!

We will also be doing Digital Art workshops! I’ve talked about these a bit before, but we hope to expand our offerings in digital art. Working with digital drawing and photo editing software, we teach the rudiments of computer art, as well as exploring the creative potential of the medium.
We will also offer more CRAFTS! We’ve talked to libraries all over the country, and they’ve requested more events where kids and grown-ups can make something with their hands that they can take home. In that spirit, we will be offering BEAD ART and JEWELRY workshops. At these, we will make keychains, bracelets, and more. We are excited to explore the potential of the medium, and to see what your creativity can unleash.
Lastly, expect to see us at a school near you! With our new and improved DO ART CREATIVE ASSEMBLY, we will bring our energy and enthusiasm to larger groups, extolling the power of creativity while bringing excitement and fun to everyone. There will be drawing, juggling, unicycling, and more! Having attended several of these, the energy is electric and infectious, and we are excited to bring Do Art to schools and larger venues, the way we have been to libraries and park districts.
I hope that your various creative projects are thriving, Do Art Nation. And, of course, I hope that they continue to challenge you. One of the most exciting things about doing art is the moment when you, in the course of making something unique, reveal a fork in the path of your own creativity that leads to unexplored, unexamined territory. We can’t wait to walk those paths with you, and see what new vistas of art may be revealed. See you soon, and until then: