It was a wild and crazy 2024, but 2025 is upon us! Last year was our best year ever, as we criss-crossed the country bringing art, creativity, and our unique brand of energy to libraries, park districts, and schools.
To all of you who’ve followed us thus far THANK YOU SO MUCH! We couldn’t have done it without all your love and support. Thanks to you, we’re beginning the new year with an attitude of positivity and gratitude.
We’ll be back at in in 2025 with even more workshops and assemblies! We’ll also be looking to keep things fresh, with workshops in bead art and jewelry making, as well as digital art!

We’ll also be launching our BRAND NEW COMIC! It’s been a while since we’ve been able to share some of our own original artwork with you all, and we hope that it will be entertaining and inspiring! The comic will feature many of the things you love about the workshops, with a few more wacky twists. Stay posted for more information, as it becomes available.
I really can’t say it enough to all of you: Jerry and I are deeply appreciative that you have chosen to make Do Art part of your lives. You’ve been an inspiration to all of us, and we’ll be striving to pay that inspiration forward as we go forth into the new year.