DoodleBob Comes to Wicked Woodlands 2024!

Fall is in the air!  We were very excited to join the Long Grove Park District for another year of their Wicked Woodlands festival!  While Jerry has been blessing the East coast with our comic book workshops, his aunt Sue and I went out to Long Grove for some spooky, creative fun!

The Wicked Woodlands festival featured a haunted walk–screams of delight wafted through the air, with the mood becoming more festive as the sun went down.  The year also featured a magician, and a storyteller who played the accordion to set the ambiance for the evening.  Kids got to enjoy treats, face painting, and of course our Drawing Booth!  We got some amazing drawings from the kids–a princess ghost Pikachu, and a heart-shaped Jack-O-Lantern, just to name a few.  Sue added some creativity of her own to the drawing booth, drawing a cat upside down to show one young participant how it’s done.  I took particular joy in the costume changes–deploying my Doodle Bob costume, as well as some of the hats we use at our acting and improv workshops!

Cartoon Chet with cartoon Chet Among us, pink background with logo in top right corner

We got to see new faces and some familiar ones, and the night ended with snacks, a movie, and a few more drawings–including one drawing of the Titanic by a boy we’ll be seeing again for a Do Art birthday party!  The beauty of the drawing booth is that it mixes and matches perfectly with any event, as kids and grown-ups add their own creativity to the occasion, turning any event into a living, breathing work of art.  

We’ll be back in Long Grove soon!  We’ve got workshops in comics, bead art, and IMPROV coming up.  Links to sign up are below.  And, as always, you can see a full list of our events at our homepage,

Halloween is a special time of year for creative people.  Artists, crafters, cosplayers, and makers of all stripes see the holiday–which is about whimsy and fun as much as gore and horror–as a chance to put their imaginations and skills to work, transforming the world around them into something magical.  Decorations go up, costumes are perfected, until Halloween night itself unveils a splendid masquerade, millions of people engaged in the joy that comes from pretending to be someone else, walking down streets that have been turned into virtual amusement parks of light, color, and scary bric-a-brac.   

Whether you are someone who enjoys the thrill of being scared, or someone who just enjoys the opportunity for play and pretend, we wish you an amazing fall season, and we can’t wait to see you at one of our events soon!

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