Come See Us In February!  A List of Upcoming Events

Hope you’re all staying warm out there, Do Art Nation!  Especially for those of us who live in the Midwest, February can be a great time for creativity, as the weather forces us indoors, where our cherished art projects await.

We will be at park districts all over Illinois, offering our unique blend of creativity and inspiration.  We will try to warm up the mood with creativity as we explore media from whiteboard drawing, painting, and comics, to crafts like bead art and jewelry making!

Jerry painting, Karen posing with Do Art Productions tshirt in foreground.

And these events ARE NOT JUST FOR KIDS! We will be introducing bead art to the Senior Variety Art Series at the Huntley Park District on Tuesday, February 11th.  Look for more events for active adults in the future!

Here is a list of places we’ll be in February.  As always, our Events calendar has a full list of the places we’ll be throughout the year.  We can’t wait to see you!

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